Oil Pan Baffles

Oil Pan Baffles

This week, we're breaking down a favorite of road racers and owners of older BMW's that are prone to oil starvation: oil pan baffles. From the basics of what they do and why they're important, to who really needs them, we're covering all things 5150 Oil Pan Baffles.

What are oil pan baffles and when are they important?

Oil pan baffles are components designed for use inside of the oil pan to help manage and control the movement and flow of oil throughout the pan. This becomes particularly important during spirited driving and track days, when heavy cornering, high rates of acceleration, and extreme braking cause oil to slosh disproportionately to one area of the pan. Oil pan baffles work to control the flow of oil within the oil pan.

A 5150 AutoSport Oil Pan Baffle installed in a BMW N54 Oil Pan

What is oil starvation?

Oil pump pickups need to be submerged to function properly. When oil moves unrestricted throughout the oil pan, the oil pump pickup can lose access to the consistent flow of oil it needs to operate, instead sucking in air, leading to a drop in oil pressure.

If oil pressure drops, the moving parts of the engine are deprived of the proper oil flow, or ‘starved’ of oil. Insufficient lubrication leads to increased metal-to-metal contact and accelerated wear and tear on components such as bearings, camshafts, and pistons. Oil also functions to dissipate heat from engine components; without proper oil flow, parts can begin to overheat, warp, and eventually seize. Finally, in prolonged cases of oil starvation, severe engine damage or complete engine failure will end the life of your beloved BMW.

How do oil pan baffles work?

Now that we have the scary stuff out of the way, let’s talk about an incredibly inexpensive solution for oil starvation: 5150 AutoSport Oil Pan Baffles.

5150 Oil Pan Baffles prevent oil slosh by controlling the movement of oil within the oil pan, ensuring steady oil pressure and the proper lubrication of critical engine components. Oil movement is restricted and thereby controlled by creating ‘compartments’ within the oil pan. 

The compartments created by the 5150 Oil Pan Baffle prevent oil from pooling within the pan and the excessive movement that causes aeration, establishing steady oil supply for the oil pump pickup. With steady oil flow the pressure, the engine is able to perform optimally, even under demanding driving conditions.

How are 5150 Oil Pan Baffles Made? What is special about them?

Every 5150 Oil Pan Baffle is carefully cut and formed to fit its specific BMW application, right here in the USA. We do not offer any generic, one-size-fits-all oil pan baffle because this is not possible; every BMW oil pan has a specific layout and design, varying by engine, chassis, and drivetrain. All 5150 Oil Pan Baffles are designed to work with the cast BMW OEM Oil Pan, which are less prone to the leaking and failure associated with aftermarket sheet metal oil pans. 

Aluminum is recognized for its durability, heat resistance, and strength, making it the material of choice for 5150 Oil Pan Baffles. Following the completion of manufacturing, each baffle is reviewed individually for dimensional accuracy, tolerances, and visual defects to ensure you receive the highest quality component available.

Who needs an oil pan baffle?

To start, most modern BMWs will never need an oil pan baffle. Thanks to advancements in design and manufacturing, oil starvation tends to be an ailment only to older models. 

We made sure to develop a 5150 Oil Pan Baffle for the BMW engines that are commonly plagued by oil starvation, including the BMW M20, M50, M52, S50, S52, M54, N54, and S65. Additionally, we offer a special version of the 5150 AutoSport M50/M52/S50/S52 Oil Pan Baffle for BMW E30 and E34 models, which is a common engine swap among BMW enthusiasts.

So, among these engines, which BMW Drivers absolutely NEED an oil pan baffle?

High Performance Drivers: A 5150 Oil Pan Baffle is absolutely essential and well-worth the small investment you will make in installation. When you drive your BMW aggressively on race tracks, in autocross events, drag racing, or even drifting, the high G-Forces you experience during sharp turns, rapid acceleration, and hard braking are all acting on the oil in your oil pan, causing slosh away from the oil pump pickup. Consider an oil pan baffle to be one of the cheapest insurances you will ever pay on your High Performance BMW.

Outside the track, any driver, HPDE student or otherwise, who frequently pushes the limits of their vehicle would benefit from the added protection supplied by one of our 5150 AutoSport Oil Pan Baffles. While you may not be making the same lap times as professional drivers, your oil pump is still fighting the same battles of high G-forces.

Track Enthusiasts: Those who frequent track days or participate in amateur racing events would benefit greatly from a 5150 Oil Pan Baffle. While you may not frequent the track as much as the grocery store, by the time your warning light comes on during your annual track day outing, the damage is already irreversible.

Heavily Modified Engines: If your BMW Engine has been modified for increased power and performance, the increased stress and pressures experienced by your engine can increase its risk of oil starvation. An oil pan baffle will ensure even and consistent oil flow to critical engine components. Again, this largely applies to older models, such as the E36, E46, and E9X. While you will need to ensure the rest of your oiling system is up to the demands of your 1500HP S58 build, this engine benefits from an improved oil pan design from the factory and rarely requires baffling.

Hill Climb Drivers: A 5150 Oil Pan Baffle will control the flow of oil throughout your oil pan, even on steep inclines, through sharp turns, and during sudden movements.

Who would benefit from installing an oil pan baffle?

To be clear, the following groups do not NEED to baffle their oil pans in the same way as a high performance driver does. 5150 AutoSport Oil Pan Baffles are a low-cost investment to ensure proper oiling on any engine, so we recommend them for others as a harmless piece of insurance towards engine longevity.

Frequent Long Distance Drivers: You don’t absolutely need one, but for those taking a comprehensive approach to engine care, a 5150 AutoSport Oil Pan Baffle will ensure maximum engine longevity thanks to consistent oil flow throughout the journey. 

Engine Tuners: Anyone who tunes their BMW engine for higher performance, even if it will never see a race track, will find the value of ensuring consistent oil supply.

Classic BMW Owners: E30, E34, and E36 owners, this one's for you. As your engine continues to age and the number of available cores dwindles, a 5150 Oil Pan Baffle can help to prolong the life of your engine by ensuring proper oil supply. 

Starting to notice a pattern? Oil pan baffles are a small investment to ensure lasting, consistent oil supply, keeping your engine functioning optimally no matter the application. While it is a necessity for high performance drivers and track vehicles, there is no harm and considerable benefit to all BMW drivers. 

Available Applications: 

  • BMW E30 Models with M20 Engines
  • BMW E30 / E34 Models with M50/M52/S50/S52 Engine Swaps
  • BMW E36 Models with M50/M52/S50/S52 Engines
  • BMW E46 Models with M54 Engines
  • BMW 135i and 335i Models with N54 Engines
  • BMW E90 / E92 / E93 M3 Models with S65 Engines
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